The Write Focus Summer Series now Concluded!

September celebrates the end of the Summer Series for Discovering Your Novel.

Current episodes are always availabe on the home page for this site.

You can link to the concluding episode here ::

October begins all new content: challenges then a mini-series for Preptober with inspiration!

Summer Series for The Write Focus

Summer Series ~ June / July / AugustDiscovering Your Novel

All summer our focus is the craft and process of writing.

M.A. Lee shares the various stages of Discovering Your Novel. We look at the Foundations, Visioning, Analysis, and Revision & pPublishing stages that bring a novel into the world.

The Focus for July ~ Envisioning

Time to Envision the whole story we want to tell. We need true clarity in our crystal ball. What do we envision?

7/7 ~ Envision the Plot >> the whole story, not the 7 main scenes. Plot Category with elements; exercises for writing improvement

7/14 ~  Envision the World >> Basic World, Stomping Grounds, Backstory, World Building nuts and bolts

7/21 ~ Envision Secondaries and More >> BFFs or not, foils and obstacles,  minions of evil

7/28 ~ Envision other Characters and Your Writing >> additional side characters, walk-ons and cameos; launch and novel openings, writers’ block and more.

The Focus for June ~ Foundations

6/1 ~ Introduction >> What makes writing successful? The discipline of  work, through persistence, completion, learning craft, and disciplined devotion

6/2 ~ Foundations A: Pick >> story / genre / protagonist / antagonist / tagline or theme

6/9 ~  Foundations B: Sketch >> story / the protagonist’s introduction / the antagonist’s introduction / the setting’s introduction / background

6/16 and 6/23 ~ Foundations C, in two parts: Know >>

Part 1: beginning / the protagonist’s dearest desire / ending/ greatest stress point / the protagonist’s nadir

Part 2: the protagonist’s zenith / early win by evil / final battle / early twist for the protagonist / the betrayal of the protagonist

6/30 ~ Foundations D: Build >> Set us the Manuscript’s foundation: for paperback and ebook / format / MS basics (how to type it), front matter / back matter / the masterbook

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus! Content copyright is 2021, Writers Ink Books.

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Visit for more information about The Write Focus.

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Then we have Apple

Spotify will let you listen to all the episodes without your doing a thing to select them. They may be a little out of order, though. 😉

YouTube direct link to the Discovering Your Novel playlist:

Visit for show notes about the entire Write Focus podcast. Write to us at for comments, questions, and speculations.
  • Summer Series :: writing craft
  • April into May focus :: Write a Book in a Month / Writing Challenge and Result
  • Winter series :: Think like a Pro
  • November 2020 :: What’s in a Name
  • Write the Novel / Edit, Proof, Publish
  • What’s Horrifying for Writers (Halloween week)
  • Newbie Mistakes and Notta Mistakes, including the inaugural episode on Oct. 6, 2020.


What’s In a Name?

Over at The Write Focus, we’re looking at names that creatives need. Business Names > Pen Names, Character Names, and the Names for Titles of Books and Series.

Listen to the episodes at these links. With the links are also the links for the Transcripts.


Part 1: How to Create a Name / What’s In a Name 1:6

Transcript link

Part 2: Pen Names / What’s In a Name 1:7

Transcript link

Part 3: Character Names & Titles and Series Names / What’s In a Name 1:8

Transcript link

The Write Focus ~ What’s In a Name, 3 parts

What’s In a Name, part 1 ~ How creatives develop names for their businesses along with brainstorming techniques

Listen: Follow the podcast at this linkAired November 11.

Transcript Here.

What’s In a Name, part 2 ~ Pen Names / Select and Maintain

Use the Link under part 1. This episode aired Nov. 18

Transcript Here.

What’s In a Name, part 3 ~ Names for Characters and Titles of Books/Series.

Use the Link under part 1. This episode aired Nov. 25.

Transcript Here.

Coming Up: We’re BookCasting with Think like a Pro.

Or is it Booktubing? Bookpodding? What do we call it?

IDK. We’re doing it, though!

1 : 8 What’s In a Name /Characters & Titles / part 3

How do we find names for our characters? What techniques can we use to discover the best titles for our books and our series?

We’re running a little long this time as we try to crowd everything in to part 3 of the Naming series.

Find any resources and links as well as a transcript at this link:

1 :: 6 What’s in a Name part 1

What’s in a Name? Does it matter how you pick a name–for your writing business, your writing self, your characters, your books and your series? Well, duh. Yes, it matters. While a rose by any other word would smell as sweet, Tybalt cared that Romeo was a Montague at a Capulet party. Names DO Matter.

Check the transcript here.